The Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Literature Museum named Alisher Navoiy are precious and significant scientific and cultural destinations which collect, keep, scientifically investigate and exhibit valuable exponents that are photographic pictures, memories, documents and manuscripts related to Uzbek national folklore and literature, by this elevating spiritual intelligence of our nation and in particular young generation.
        Initially the Museum was established as an exhibition under the state commission on celebrating 500 years anniversary of Alisher Navoiy in 1939. Coming up to 1947 the Museum of Literature was established on the basis of that exhibition. From 1968 it was functioning as an independent scientific and enlightening organization of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
        The Museum has such notable departments as Collection, Scientific Classification and Investment of Oriental Manuscripts; Scientific Classification and Publication of Archives of Poets and Writers of Uzbekistan; and Department of Expositions.
        The Museum fund has masterpieces of Uzbek national folklore, copies of manuscripts of such outstanding individuals as Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur and works printed lithographically and archives of authors and literary critics who had and have been greatly contributing to the sphere.
        The building of the Museum is considered as a significant architectural memorial. The Museum is a member of International Museums Union of IKOM. Every year the Museum welcomes thousands of local visitors and tourists from abroad. Scientific articles of the Museum employees are published in remarkable scientific publications along Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Japan. The proclamation of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 891 “On Measures for Improvement of the Activity of the Literature Museum Named after Alisher Navoiy under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated November 6, 2017 plays a significant role in the further functioning of the Museum. This is again a vivid evidence of high attitude towards literature and arts development in the country.